After careful consideration and in response to the changing demands of the market, Barbco has made the decision to streamline sales operations to a dealer only sales model.
Using a Barbco BD500 Maxi Rig, Florida based contractor IS MACHINES HDD completed a World Record Crossing working consecutive 24 hour shifts. The 2,130 meter crossing was completed promptly in 15 days.
At the 2020, annual NASTT No Dig show, our founder James S Barbera was recognized and inducted into the NASTT Hall Of Fame.
The Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech University introduces the Barbera Education, Research and Training Facility (BERT. Named in honor of Jim Barbera and Leo Barbera, this state-of-the-art facility offers research and educational opportunities for those in the boring industry.
Barbco builds new manufacturing space and looks to take advantage lean manufacturing procedures to improve its processes.
Barbco moves forward with a redesign of Tri-bor, the three in one machine that works well with Flex-tooling. In November, the company has its first ever Demo Day, a one-day event that showcased Barbco equipment to our customers and business associates.
Barbco ventures into new tooling that reduces or eliminates frac-outs in environmentally sensitive areas. Flex Tooling begins a multi-year test phase with the first round of tools rolled out to end user sales in 2017.
A high performance line of HDD’s ranging from 60,000 lbs. of pulling force to 100,000 lbs. of pulling force went to market. These units we considerably higher in horsepower, speed and torque than any other manufacturer in the world at that time.
The prototype design of Barbco’s newest machine, Tri-Bor. This new concept incorporated auger boring, directional drilling and pilot tube technology into a single machine.