Calling all professionals in, and related to the trenchless industry! This November Barbco Inc. along with other auger boring experts, will be hosting The 5th Annual Trenchless Technology Center Auger Boring School! This informative course is aimed at providing attendees with the knowledge and background needed to understand the important aspects of auger boring. More so, it’s an opportunity for less seasoned individuals to get their hands on a Barbco auger boring machine, and see how they really work. This information is relevant to not only auger boring professionals but also to trenchless contractors, engineers, project superintendents, foremen, crew members, estimators,  public officials, and more.

This training course is being held at the new Barbera Education, Research & Training (BERT) Facility located on Louisiana Tech University grounds. This name was coined to pay tribute to James and Leo Barbera, who are both considered innovators in the auger boring industry. Retiring only 12 years ago, the late Jim Barbera was loved by many and impacted numerous lives throughout his extensive career. As a result of his contributions to the trenchless industry, Trenchless Technology Center awarded Jim and his brother Leo the first TTC LifeTime Achievement Award in November 2018. This facility will honor the past while investing in the future through its workforce development, which is essential to creating a properly trained workforce in any industry.

This event spans from November 7th to the 10th and registration is open now! 

For more relevant details, or to purchase your tickets please click here.

For any information on Barbco Auger Boring Machines, click here, or email us at